IT Strategy for the Reform of the Judiciary 2005-2009 in Romania
Source: Ministry of Justice:
The reform of the judiciary system is a priority in the framework of the institutional reform process in Romania, which objectives have been established in the Strategy adopted at the end of March 2005[1].
The achievement of a transparent act of justice, the improvement of citizens access to justice, a lower level of corruption are the main objectives in the Romania’s process of before adhering to EU structures.
The reform of justice includes the objectives required for the modernization and automation of the judiciary system, in the context of acceleration of European integration process.
The usage of intelligent technologies will accelerate the reform process and it will insure the standardization of the procedures, at the system level, as a whole, and also the use of indicators for the efficient administration of justice.
The automation of the Judiciary follows to:
1. Increasing the efficiency of judiciary
1.1. Improving the quality of the act of justice and reducing the length of the trials
1.2. acceleration of the judicial proceedings
1.3. Insuring the access to the public information regarding the act of justice, in the same time, for the people who seek justice
1.4. Standardization of the procedures, forms, nomenclatures at the system level, as a whole
1.5. Gradual elimination of data storage on paper support by replacing it with electronic form of the files and other specific documents
1.6. Fast access to legislation, jurisprudence and information regarding the trials, for Courts and Prosecutor’s Offices personnel
1.7. Fast communication between the units of the judiciary system using secure electronic instruments
1.8. Reorganization of the judiciary activity and reduction of the administrative responsibilities for magistrates
1.9. Increasing the training level for magistrates and auxiliary personnel in IT field, for the purpose of a more efficient use of new technologies
1.10. Cost reduction for hearing the defendants and witnesses in detention
2. Increasing the transparency of the judiciary system
2.1. transparency toward the citizens, mass-media and NGO’s, presenting them on-line the public information about judiciary activity and other public activities of the justice
2.2. improving collaboration relations between the institutions part of judiciary system and mass-media to insure an exact and right conveyance of information to the public opinion
2.3. electronic services for citizens, lawyers and others specialists involved in the act of justice( for example remitting the subpoenas on-line, using the electronic signature)
2.4. new software products to take over and pass on data, using a standard technology
3. Securing the personal data and the secret information
3.1. increasing the protection of LAN and WAN networks
3.2. the implementation of a policy for access in the system for every user, in accordance with specific competences
4. Fighting corruption
4.1. implementing a random distribution cases system on panel of judges
4.2. implementing a random distribution cases system in prosecutors offices
4.3. excluding the possibility of unauthorized access to data files
5. Efficient management of human, financial and material resources:
5.1. automated management of internal files
5.2. the optimum processes for allocation, liquidation, execution and payment
5.3. multi-annual planning of the investments and budget based on execution analyses and prognosis
5.4. harmonizing the public acquirements processes with real needs and budgetary calendar
5.5. payment and motivation of personnel with regard to his work and performance
5.6. proper management of the patrimony
II. 1. The organization mode and the structure of the personnel in the IT field from the judicial system
The IT activity of the courts is coordinate by the Department for Operation of Information Technology as part of the Ministry of Justice. The IT department from the Prosecutor’s Office near The High Court of Cassation and Justice coordinates the IT activity for prosecutors offices. The High Court of Cassation and Justice, Superior Council of Magistracy and National Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office are self managing their IT activity and they have their own specialized personnel.
For the courts were assigned approximately 300 jobs for IT experts which are distributed in Appeal Courts and Tribunals. The IT experts from tribunals carry on also in the courts from the tribunal’s range of jurisdiction. At the present time are organized IT offices in courts and are appointed chief- It experts.
In the prosecutor’s offices, because their personnel is approximately 1/3 comparing with that of the courts, exists only one job as IT expert for each prosecutor’s office near an Appeal Court or a Tribunal, excepting PAC Bucharest and PT Bucharest were are two posts. At the present time are effectively hired a number of 66 IT experts.
According to legal provisions, the number of IT experts from courts and prosecutor’s offices is established by the court’s president or the chief of prosecutor’s office. The selection, promotion and appointment of these IT experts from courts and prosecutor’s offices is done with the involvement of IT departments from Ministry of Justice and Public Ministry.
The Office for Information and Communication Technology from National Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office works as a part of the Department for classified information and data centralization regarding corruption and it has 6 IT specialists (3 network managers, 3 IT specialists which prerogatives are to manage and program the data bases, to bring up to date the NAPO’s site and make findings reports in criminal cases). The territorial frameworks of the National Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office don’t have enough IT personnel. The insertion/validation of the data in the NAPO’s file data base is achieved at central level and also at territorial frameworks level by clerks of court.
The National Administration of Penitentiaries and National Office for Trade Registration are subordinated to the Ministry of Justice. Though those do not belong to the group of institutions that have competences in the matter of organizing and functioning of the judicial system, in fact those institutions through the specific activity and data which are providing are very important for the well functioning of the system as a hole.
The National Administration of Penitentiaries coordinates the penitentiaries activity. Within the National Administration of Penitentiaries , the Department for Operation of Information Technology is organized to coordinate the activity of the IT experts from penitentiary system. Each penitentiary unit has it own IT expert and a number of 1-3 computer operators.
The National Office for Trade Registration has an IT central structure formed by 30 specialists (6 have graduated only the middle school) and also IT personnel within every Territorial Trade Registration Center, organized in every district( 1-3 persons, depending on the size of the district). During the registration of the petitions, the insertion of the data into PC is accomplished both by operators and by reviewers taking into consideration the personnel scheme of each National Trade Register Office.
II.2. The endowment with IT
Now, the endowment with IT is dissimilar. The courts, prosecutor’s offices and penitentiaries which have been included in Phare 2000 program are better equipped than those who have been not. Though PHARE programs allowed the acquisition of a great number of equipments( over 130 servers, 2700 working points, 630 printers, 330 switches, cables and connection elements), those were enough only for a partial automation of 120 locations from all 520, meaning courts, prosecutors offices and penitentiaries. Previous to this PHARE programs, through a self endowment, have been purchased approximately 1500 IT equipments, but which are mostly superannuated. For the implementation of the random distribution of cases program on panel of judges and bankruptcy procedure program, at the end of 2004 have been purchased with self resources 300 computers and 275 printers.
At the time when the strategy was draw up(may 2005) the IT endowment for courts and prosecutor’s offices was approximately 25% from necessary, but many of the existing equipments (approximately 30%) are superannuated and it is necessary to proceed to their cassation and replacement.
National Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office was the main beneficiary from Phare Program RO9910.05, for strengthening the capacity to fight against corruption of the Romanian institutions. This program has included an investment component which had stipulated the achievement of inter-institutional data communications by furnishing IT equipments and a software program.
NAPO was also the beneficiary of an ACOS project, afferent to PHARE program RO9910.05, which provided 6 servers, 90 working points, 16 printers, 2 laptops , communication gear, communication software, 330 switches, cables and connection elements
Until first of May 2005, National Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, has purchased with own founds a number of 68 working points, 9 laptops, 138 printers and due base software licenses.
From a total of 15 territorial services of National Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, 11 have been endowed with 2 computers and 2 printers, 3 territorial services have 3 computers and 3 printers, and one has one computer and one printer. One computer and one printer have been distributed to the 3 territorial offices of the National Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office.
The existing IT equipments covers approximately 35% from necessities and personnel of National Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office.
As for the penitentiary system, the level of endowment covers approximately 45% from the total estimated at this moment.
As for the National Office for Trade Registration, the level of endowment with hardware covers approximately 95% from the necessary estimated at this moment and institution activity is fully automated.
The IT endowment of this institution consists in 95 servers, 1432 working points, 672 printers, 44 routers, 114 switches, 83 scanners, 47 scanning stations. At ONTC level and at every territorial office level are local networks (LAN), type-TCP/IP and IPX/SPX.
Most territorial offices have voice/data structured cable.
II.3 Communication network
Communication network is dissimilar reflecting the IT endowment and the financial possibilities. Starting with the first quarter of 2004, was set up a modern communication WAN system, made up of a private network, which works at national level. This connects entities from Ministry of Justice, Public Ministry and National Administration of Penitentiaries. To the WAN system are connected all Courts of Appeal and 8 prosecutor’s offices near them, all tribunals and some courts from districts main towns and some prosecutor’s offices near this courts. On the whole, from the IT structure of the Ministry of Justice and of the courts 103 locations are included in the network, and from the structure of Public Ministry 25 locations. Also are connected 46 penitentiaries. Main network knots are placed for all courts at Ministry of Justice, for prosecutor’s offices at Public Ministry and for penitentiaries at National Administration of Penitentiaries.
Simultaneously, in accordance with PHARE program 2000, were set up local LAN networks, in the locations with endowments (45 penitentiaries, 16 courts, Ministry of Justice, Supreme Court of Justice, 17 Prosecutor’s Offices). The achievement of these local networks was possible, mainly, as a result of endowment elements provided by Phare 2000 program, but manual labor was financed with own founds. Later on, were set up local network in others courts and prosecutors offices, therefore at the present time are functioning LAN networks in 31 courts and 40 prosecutors offices.
At this large network is connected also the Supreme Council of Magistracy. The headquarters of this institution has its own LAN network.
The High Court of Cassation and Justice is not connected to WAN network of the judiciary system and it has its own internet connection
The headquarters of the National Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office has a local computer network with internet connection (rented phone line – 512 kbps), which allows the accession to the databases from National Trade Office. In the same time by the consolidation of headquarters of the National Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, the infrastructure of headquarters database network was extended by introducing voice/data structured cable. .
The central structure of the National Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office has connections (rented phone line-2 Mbps) with Ministry of Administration and Internal Affairs, General Inspectorate of the Police and General Customs Authority. Using this network the data from those institutions databases are available to authorized personnel like this:
1. data from Ministry of Administration and Internal Affairs :
the database with all driving license and registration certificates owners
the permanent registry with situation of the population
situation for the owners of simple( for tourist) passports
2. data from General Customs Authority
At the present time, there are no data communication lines between the central structure of National Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office and territorial services, and those can not benefit in real time from the applications and information existing at central level, or can not transmit data in electronic form.
Since 1996 all communications from trade center system are based on Internet. The communication is used for daily transmission of the data to the trade centers near courts, assigning the unique registration code(URC) for merchants, delivery of data from the databases of automated central registry system, broadcasting the applications and bringing then up to date, e-mail and intranet .
The Bucharest Unique Office is connected with the Trade Registration Center near Bucharest Tribunal by a radio connection – 8 Mbps( extra LAN) and National Trade Center is connected with Trade Registration Center near Bucharest Tribunal by a Internet connection on optical fiber – 2.5Mbps. Most of the territorial offices have permanent connections on different supports (optical fiber, rented phone line, TV cable, radio) with fluctuating transfer rates ( from 64 kbps to 196 kbps). National Trade Registration Center and territorial trade centers have different Internet service providers, choused by public auction.
II.4. The software endowment
Up to the present, the software endowment has been done, generally independent, for all each four major components of the system.
The main software application used in courts is ECRIS, inclusively at High Court of Cassation and Justice, achieved as a result of Phare program 1997. Now the application – the version for the courts- is functional in 31 courts and it is tested to be installed in another 4 locations. The application has 3 main modules: management of the cases, random distribution of the cases on panel of judges and legislative and jurisprudence library.
Management of the cases modulus is useful for the registration of essential data about the cases and for printing subpoenas, meeting lists, official statements and other documents specific to court activities.
Random distribution of the cases on panel of judges modulus insures the distribution of cases using objective criterions, without human intervention.
Legislative and jurisprudence library modulus allows access to legislation and jurisprudence on electronic support for magistrates and auxiliary personnel. The modulus can be updated every day and has powerful search engines.
The courts use also different financial-accounting applications, other legislative, jurisprudential and random distribution of the cases on panel of judges applications, as well as applications made by IT personnel of the ministry in Lotus Notes: the application used for personnel, the application used for proof of availability for the names of companies, foundations and federations, the application containing also the databases regarding judiciary technical experts. .
Ministry of Justice converges the data from courts. The ministry has also some applications:
registry application, which insures the registration and flow, between departments, of main data regarding working papers, issued by the ministry or external; the application has also a modulus for reports which can be used for measuring some performance values.
Electronic archive for moveable securities, an application build as an interactive website to register the moveable securities
Applications for updating the databases regarding the public notaries, judiciary technical experts, bailiffs, banking bailiffs
The application for personnel
the application used for proof of availability for the names of companies, foundations and federations – nonprofit organizations
the applications containing the databases regarding judiciary technical experts
the application containing the reference of Ministry of Justice for individual pardon
the application containing the database with the references from Ministry of Justice for the laws which have to be adopted by the Government
the application containing the database regarding the laws draw up by Ministry of Justice, according with his specific competences, and also the way that this laws have to take from the moment of elaboration to their approval or refusal
2 legislation and jurisprudence applications 2
the application regarding the persons who are in social reinstatement and supervision procedures, what contains the activity of the system for the protection of the victims and for the social reintegration of offenders, near by every court
the application regarding the adoption of laws relating to obtaining or renunciation to Romanian citizenship
economic and accounting applications
The High of Cassation and Justice uses ECRIS application and also possess others specific applications like registry application, the application regarding the situation of documentary material from library institution, and also legislative and jurisprudential, financial- economic, accountancy applications etc.
The Superior Council of Magistracy was created, in February this year, as a separate institution, different from Ministry of Justice, with his own technical personnel. The applications used here were taken over from Ministry of Justice and adjusted to this institution needs. The Superior Council of Magistracy has his own website.
The prosecutor’s offices use mainly the following software programs:
ECRIS application, prosecutor’s offices modulus, used in 37 prosecutor’s offices
Criminal files situation
Personnel situation
library application
Appeals and recourses situation
2000 tribune – A program developed with Romanian and Swiss cooperation ( Brasov district- pilot district)
remission and restitution situation
administrative fines situation (181)
budgetary accountancy program
wage calculation
complains situation
general proceedings situation
situation for dispositions with time limit
legislation application
Within NAPO the used applications are designed and developed by their own personnel and legislation and jurisprudence applications (LEX EXPERT, EUROLEX).
At central territorial services level are used:
application for the manage of data base regarding National Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office files. Is functioning since December 2002 and it contains all NAPO’s cases since his establishment, and is an important source to elaborate the requested situations through the cooperation departments from: Ministry, European Commission, Public Policies Institute, Romanian Association for Transparency, institutions with control competences, Ministry of Administration and Internal Affairs, etc.
The application which refers to the classified information
Even more, at a central level, they use:
For the legal department that deals with the National Anti-Corruption Prosecutor ‘s Office’s files that are now being judged, the application points out the stages that a file goes through, and the decisions that are given in every stage, until the final decision
The registry’s application is used to follow the entries of the main documents‘ dates (notifications, complaints, statements, reports)
The Intranet that provides for consultation notes and studies from the Documentation ‘s Office(Notes and commentaries of the Law 78/ May, the 8, 2000, Guidelines for the examination of the offences that are directly related to the corruption offences, Jurisprudence of the offences that are directly related to the corruption offences )
The Site of the NATIONAL ANTI-CORUPTION PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE, at, materialized through PHARE 1999
In the penitentiary system, the main, modern software application is the EvDet Application- for the evidence of prisoners materialized through PHARE 2000.Nowdays the application is running in all 46 units of the penitentiary system and in the National Administration of the Penitentiary and it is highly exploited. The application assures the management of the personal and legal data of the prisoners, and covers most of the prisoner’s activities. The application may offer data to other structures of the Legal System and more, for instance, now days the connecting of the Teleorman Court to this application is being tested
When the legislation of the penalties carried out in prison is being modified, the application will also suffer modifications and improvements.
Other software applications used in the penitentiary system are:
The application of human resource’s management that ensures the management of the entire career of the penitentiary employees
The secretariat application that ensures the document’s evidence and direction in the National Administration of the Penitentiary
The « Farm » Application that ensures the evidence of the animal and vegetal production in the penitentiaries.
The acquirements application that pursues the elimination of the discrepancies between the acquirement prices for the main products in penitentiaries
The financial application that ensures the payment’s estimation for all the personnel in the penitentiary system
The Software System of the National Trade Center has these main features:
Is the main support of the entire activity (local and central);
It is unitary – it uses the same guidelines, procedures, classified lists, basic data structures and the same program for all the territorial offices of the commerce register;
Delivers directly, from the data recorded in the computerized register, the documents delivered to the petitioners concerning the solution of the petitions;
Ensures the controlled, divided access to the database for the data introduction as well as for the providing of the;
Has protection systems, and access is granted only to authorized personnel within the system of the commerce register;
The National Office of the Commerce Register, through its specialized branches , ensures the unitary technical endowment, the realization of the software applications, the adaptation of the existent software applications at the changes in legislation, special assistance for the 42 offices of the commerce register from every court
The software system works on two levels: the territorial level, inserted in all the 42 territorial offices of the commerce register, which manages the entire process of the trader’s registration, and the central level that ensures the centralization, correlation and the administration of data from the territorial level in 24 hours since registration , including statistical data.
Now days, we use around 40 software applications in the activity of management and maintenance of data from the computerized commerce register.
1 At territorial level:
Reservations for companies name;
Taking over and bring up to date the data regarding new companies registration;
Taking over and bring up to date the data regarding the changes made to the certificate for register the company (notes) ;
Connection through National Trade Registration Center with data base of the Ministry of Finances to obtain the unique registration code – URC ( tax code);
Achievement of the final part of registration – completed and in duplicate;
Achievement of the final part of mentions;
Personalization of the registration certificates;
Achievement of mentions certificates;
Achievement of proof of availability for companies;
Achievement of company history ;
Attestations according to art. 4 Law no. 26/1990 republished;
Particular information about the firms;
Data selection from the registry using different criterions;
Other applications:
Situation of the activities from the unique offices, requests for license to function, licensed activities, attestations regarding the license to function;
Graft and secretarial works of the mandatory judge;
In and outs Registry;
Financial – accountancy situation;
Personnel situation;
Administration of file archives;
Situation of the documents pointed by the law and published in O.M.; etc.
2 At national level:
Reservation for firms name at national level;
Bringing daily up to date the data from automated registry at national level;
Checking the coherence and regularity of the data from territorial data bases ;
Supplying information about any firm registered in Romania;
Attestation about any firm registered in Romania;
Companies history;
Statistical data regarding the firms registration procedures and mentions;
The statistic about the foreign investments; country file
Financial – accountancy situation
Personnel situation
wage calculation
3 Sites and Web applications
NTC’s Website:
TC’ network
Forms that are also published on
Formalities regarding registration at Trade Center
CAEN list
Publicity for companies that are under the provisions of art.30 Law no.359/2004, amended “Dissolving” cf. Art. 30 L359/2004”
Publicity for companies that are in one or more of the dissolving cases mentioned in art. 237 Law no.31/1990, republished- “Signal art.237”
RECOM online service : – are used to get FOXPRO databases in ORACLE databases, to search databases on Internet using different criteria, for client situation, and to get statistical data regarding the access using different criteria(time, clients);
Intranet NTC – TC :
Assures the broadcasting and a cheap and fast access of data/ files only to trade center offices.
Web site, where only trade center offices have access and which allows:
Checking the availability of the company at national level;
Checking the unique associates;
Distribution of IT applications made by NTC for territorial offices.
II.5. Pending development projects
II.5.1. Developing the ECRIS system – a state fund financed project. In order to improve the ECRIS system the Ministry of Justice and the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice have concluded an association agreement, with the purpose of jointly carrying on an open public procurement procedure.
During this year the project’s objective is to develop the software system by attaching the following functions:
1. electronic transfer of cases between courts by using the unitary national number of the case
2. the procedure of criminal and civil execution
3. implementing the procedure of judicial statistic for courts and prosecutor’s offices
4. extending and strengthening the set of patterns of documents at the national level
5. the procedure of electronic stocking of data
6. centralized data base for prosecutor’s offices
7. instruments used in order to achieve complex reports
8. transferring and issuing of public data regarding the cases, meeting agenda, decisions and conclusions, panels on the portal of the Ministry of Justice
9. improving the legislation and jurisprudence, introducing the capability of amending the articles, on-line format of the document, using the jurisprudence of the courts.
In addition, some of the staff of courts will be trained in order to use the ECRIS system, taking into consideration the available funds and the means of extending the system.
II.5.2. Developing a judicial electronic statistic system – a World Bank funds financed project.
The project’s objective is to achieve exact statistical data regarding the court’s activity.
The statistical modulus will be obtained as a result of the efforts of a work group, made up of representatives of SCM and MoJ that will establish the relevant statistical index, as well as the optimum procedure for implementing them in the ECRIS program. Currently the ECRIS program has a non functional judicial statistical modulus because of the improper correlation of the initial statistical index with the legislation in force.
II.5.3. Developing an application of bankruptcy cases management, included in the ECRIS application – PHARE funds financed project.
The project’s objective is to automate the courts activity in this field, so that the future documents of courts be drafted using this software. In the same time the public data regarding the bankruptcy cases, issued on the web sites will be taken into consideration.
II.5.4. Carrying on the PHARE program 2003/005-551.04.15 within the National Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, whose investment component will have as a major objective developing the IT infrastructure of the headquarters and setting up secured communication lines of data with the local services of NAPO. The PHARE 2003 program is intended to continue the endowment with hardware, software and communication equipment of NAPO, endowment initiated through PHARE RO 9910.05 Project. The IT investment component of PHARE RO 2003/005-551.04.15 Project has a 1.270.000 Euro budget (800.000 PHARE funds and 470.000 national co-financing), and the procurement contract will be allotted starting with September 2005.
II.5.5. Implementing the „Electronic stocking of documents system” within the National Trade Register Bureau – own budget financed project.
This project represents a pilot project for an electronic stocking of documents of the entire judicial system.
The system will allow charging each of the 42 local bureaus of the trade registry with trade cases and their electronic transfer to the headquarters of NTC.
The system will provide for the future, trough the internet, the documents used for the registry, in the format of images, to institutions and the people concerned. The acquired experience will be used for the future in stocking the cases of courts and prosecutor’s offices.
The strategy for the development of the IT system of the Judiciary focuses on creating an infrastructure integrated in a coherent technology, enabling the staff of the judicial system to carry on a transparent, efficient and performant activity, in order to allow the public service institutions, the agents, the NGO’s in cooperation to provide the necessary services .
Its main components are:
1. Endowment with IT and software of all institutions of the judicial system (2005-2007)
2. Creating a secured IT network and interconnecting all institutions of the judicial system through this network (2005-2007)
3. Implementing a joint security policy within the entire judicial system (2005-2007)
4. Developing and extending the IT ECRIS system nationwide and endowing the courts and the prosecutor’s offices with IT in the same time. Issuing the public interest data regarding the activity of the courts and the prosecutor’s offices in the future portal (2005-2007).
5. Developing the IT „Registry” system, as an integrated system of stocking the documents and the documents flow regarding all the administrative activities within the MoJ (2005-2006) and extending/adapting it within all components of the judicial system (2007-2008).
6. Unitary creating the “Electronic stocking system of documents” within the entire judicial system, with special mentions regarding the pending cases, the criminal pursuit cases, penitentiary cases and the afferent cases to the activity of NTC (2005-2009)
7. Creating an electronic unitary and efficient system for registering the court sessions, hearing the withheld identity witnesses and distance hearing of the imprisoned detainees (2005-2009)
8. Creating info-stands within courts for accurately informing the citizens (2006-2009)
9. Developing, extending/ reprojecting the IT systems of institutions subordinated to MoJ (NAPO and NTC).
10. Creating a unique system of justice by integrating all IT systems in a portal format infrastructure (2006-2009). At the same time, the following projects will be implemented in the portal: human resources management, financial and material resources management, budgetary drafting and implementation management, program and project management, public relation and training management.
11. Interconnect the IT integrated judicial system with the other IT systems within the public service nationwide and at the European level (2006-2009).
1. Endowment with IT and software of all institutions within the Judiciary
Currently, in order to appropriately endow these institutions with hardware, the following are necessary:
1. 700 servers, 12.000 work stations, 5000 printers, 2500 scanners, network and communication and software products licenses for MoJ and HCCJ.
2. 10 servers, 200 work stations, 100 printers, 5 scanners, network and communication and software products licenses for the SCM
3. approximately 280 servers, 2.200 work stations, 1000 printers, 400 scanners, network and communication equipment and software products licenses for the PM
4. 15 servers, 100 work stations, 100 printers, 100 laptops, 10 scanners, network and communication equipment and software products licenses for NAPO
5. 80 servers, 200 work stations, 700 printers, 45 scanners, network and communication equipment and software products licenses for penitentiaries
6. for NTC:
5 servers, approx. 800 work stations, 400 printers, 90 UPS – to finalize the endowment and, starting with 2007, gradually replacing the used equipment, network and communication equipment and software products licenses;
5 servers, 170 work stations, 45 printers, 30 switches, software products licenses (MS Office Professional, ORACLE, antivirus) – in order to issue the Bulletin of judicial reorganization and bankruptcy
This stage involves:
procuring IT equipment in order to finalize the technical endowment of institutions within the judiciary and the penitentiaries
procuring software packages, according to the needs of institutions
distributing the IT equipment
installing and configuring he equipment and software products
ensuring the maintenance service of equipments and updating software products
Foreseen results:
endowment with IT and software products of units within the judiciary
distributing the equipments and software products according to the needs of users
2005 – 2007
Estimated costs:
12 MEUR co-financing PHARE 2000 program for MoJ and courts
10 MEUR co-financing PHARE 2000 program for prosecutor’s offices
0,8 MEUR financing PHARE 2003 program
0,4 MEUR co- financing PHARE 2003 program
11,5 MEUR financing PHARE 2004 program
2 MEUR co-financing PHARE 2004 program
15 MEUR co-financing PHARE 2005 program
2 MEUR co-financing PHARE 2005 program
1,2 MUSD financing World Bank project program
aprox. 1 MEUR – in 2005, 2 MEUR – in 2006, 2, 5 MEUR – in 2007 – NTC own budget financing and 1,53 MEUR for the Bulletin of judicial reorganization and bankruptcy.
2. Creating a secured IT network and interconnecting all institutions within the Judiciary
This stage involves:
i. Auditing the institutions within the judiciary and implementing the optimum technical solution
auditing all component institutions of the judiciary by a specialized company and identifying the optimum technical solution for creating a unitary secured network, with different levels of information access
ensuring technical support by the audit company in order to implement the resulted technical solution
ii. Creating an extended area WAN network, that allows the connection of all units within the judiciary
organizing a public procurement procedure open to the participation of all institutions of the judiciary, as procuring companies, and procuring extended area communication services, in conformity with the technical parameters recommended by the audit company.
implementing the new WAN network in all units
implementing the common security policy
iii. Creating or extending the local existent networks (LAN)
Procuring active and passive communication equipment in order to finalize the endowment of institutions within the judiciary
Distributing the communication equipment
Establishing the structured networking, installing and configuring the equipment
Configuring the local networks in conformity with the recommended security policy
Foreseen results:
Establishing data communication between all components of the judiciary
Ensuring the access to data in the most efficient manner
Speeding up the activities
Improving the teamwork
Reducing the bureaucracy
Reducing the costs by eliminating printing the intermediate documents
Increasing the number of locations for access to internet within institution of the Judiciary
2005 – 2007
Estimated costs:
i Audit
0, 5 MEUR – the source is to be identified
ii. LAN networks
0,6 MEUR co-financing PHARE 2000
0,5 MEUR financing PHARE 2004
0,2 MEUR co-financing PHARE 2004
0,8 MEUR financing PHARE 2005 project
0,3 MEUR co-financing PHARE 2005 project
iii. WAN services
1 MEUR/year co-financing PHARE 2004
0,15 MEUR/year – NTC own budget
3. Implementing a common security policy within the entire judicial system (2005-2007)
This stage involves:
Achieving the audit stipulated at point 2
Unitary implementing the security solutions suggested by the audit company
Drafting mandatory technical provisions for the administrators and users
Procuring and implementing an antivirus solution common to all institutions within the judiciary
Implementing a solution of electronic signature
Specializing a part of the IT in order to take over and manage the security mechanisms and creating a call-center on security issues
Training the users in order to follow the technical security rules established
Creating a method of supervising the conformity with the security provisions
Foreseen results:
Increasing the security of electronic information stocked within the Judiciary
Increasing the level of training of users
Reducing the periods of time in which the system doesn’t work
Efficiently resolving the problems that alter the security of the system
Speeding up the specific activities of the judiciary
2005 – 2007
Estimated costs:
1MEUR co-financing PHARE 2004
2 MEUR co-financing PHARE 2005 project
4. Developing and extending the ECRIS IT system nationwide and within all courts and prosecutor’s offices (2005-2009)
This stage involves:
Defining the demands
Organizing a tender in order to determine the company responsible with developing the IT
Analyzing the demands and defining the technical descriptions
Implementing and extending the application according to the special needs of the institution, within the NAPO, starting with 2005; unitary contracting development services
Developing the IT within courts, prosecutor’s offices and the central modulus of collecting the statistical data, by concluding development contracts with the same service provider, selected as a result of the mentioned tender
Implementing and integrating
Extending the IT system nationwide in all courts and prosecutor’s offices , as well as within MoJ and SCM, in order to analyze the statistical data
Training the clerks, the judges, the magistrates and the qualified IT staff
Establishing a centralized technical support center
Interconnecting courts and prosecutor’s offices for the exchange of information regarding the pending cases
Interconnecting ECRIS – EvDET for the exchange of information between courts, prosecutor’s offices and penitentiaries
Interconnecting ECRIS – Bulletin of judicial reorganization and bankruptcy
Interconnecting ECRIS – data base of NAPO regarding traders and trade companies
Extending the ECRIS system to the judicial police, which is directly subordinated to prosecutor’s offices and creating a special modulus to this end, interconnected with the modulus created for the prosecutor’s offices
Foreseen results:
Developing the functions of the ECRIS IT system with the following:
1. electronic transfer of cases between courts by using the unitary national number of the case
2. the procedure of criminal and civil execution
3. implementing the judicial statistic modulus for courts and prosecutor’s offices
4. extending and strengthening the set of patterns of documents at the national level
5. the procedure of electronic stocking of data
6. centralized data base for prosecutor’s offices
7. integrating text editor (for the prosecutor’s offices), that allows the management of the content of documents attached to the case
8. transferring and issuing of public data regarding the cases, meeting agenda, decisions and conclusions, panels on the portal of the Ministry of Justice
9. improving the legislation and jurisprudence data basis, introducing the possibility of amending the articles, the on-line format of the document, using the jurisprudence of the courts.
10. procedures of statistic analysis of registered data (OLAP technology) meant to establish forecasts regarding the evolution of cases, etc.
11. electronic signatures used to certify the documents created in the IT system
12. issuing on the web site of MoJ procedures, patterns and classified lists used in the activity of the courts and statistics of cases
13. establishing a technical and maintenance center to deal with the technical problems, monitor the activity and distance configuration
14. installing and configuring the IT system in courts and prosecutor’s offices
15. training all users of the IT system (clerks, judges, prosecutors, IT specialists etc.)
16. interconnecting the courts and the prosecutor’s offices for information exchange regarding the pending cases
17. drawing the course of the case (evolution of cases)
18. issuing on MoJ’ portal statistical data regarding the cases of courts and prosecutor’s offices
establishing the demands: March 2005
tender and designating the company in charge with the development of the ECRIS system: May-June 2005
developing software: 2005-2007
nationwide implementation: December 2007
training of users: December 2007
interconnecting Courts – Prosecutors Offices: December 2007
interconnecting ECRIS-EvDET: December 2007
Estimated costs:
0,25 MEUR financing and Phare co financing 2004
0,2 MEUR / year financing from the state budget
1 MEUR Phare co financing project 2005
5. Developing the IT „Registry” system as an integrated administration system of all documents and flows of documents regarding all the administrative activities within the Ministry of Justice (2005-2006) and expanding / adapting thereof at the level of all the components of the Judiciary (2005-2008).
This stage involves:
analyzing the requirements and defining certain internal working flows that will help improve the internal organization
developing the IT „Registry” system
implementing at the level of all the institutions within the judiciary taking into account their characteristic features
training the users
building the It support center for the IT activities within the Ministry of Justice ( configuration and maintaining the IT technique, maintaining and administrating the IT systems, web portal )
Foreseen results:
developing Registry:
1. improving the internal organization through establishing and maintaining certain internal working flows
2. controlling the internal procedure by identifying the blockages in the cycle of internal processing of documents and observing the stage of the documents
3. improving the access to inside information by an easier search of documents in electronic format, with facilities of multiple versioning, of stocking, integrating the electronic signature
4. integrating all the necessary and existent software applications with the IT Registry system
5. training the users through courses
developing the It system for the stocking of documents in electronic format : December 2005
extending the IT system in order to cover all the current necessities and to replace the old applications : August 2006
Estimated costs:
0,5 MEUR Phare financing 2004
0,2 MEUR budget financing 2005
6. Creating an unitary “ System of electronic stocking of documents” at the level of the Judiciary, with specific mentions regarding the pending cases in courts, the criminal pursuit cases, the penitentiary cases as an extension of the National Trade Registration C enter ‘s pilot project of electronic stocking of files (2005-2009)
This stage involves:
Finalizing the pilot project
Analysis for establishing the specific functional requirements
Accomplishing the functional specifications based on the specific functional requirements and on the experience acquired within the National Trade Registration C enter pilot project framework
Developing the application on the basis of the specifications document
Testing the application and rectifying the errors
Creating documentation for the final users and for the administrators of the system
Installing and configuring the basis software infrastructure
Installing and configuring the developed application
Covering the acceptance tests in order to verify the quality of the system
Organizing the training session for 10 trainers designated to train the final users of the application (train the trainers)
Organizing the training session for the administrators of the system (5 persons)
Foreseen results:
Increasing the efficiency of the act of justice by reducing the time of document search
Creating an IT infrastructure which ensures the optimum development of activities within the Romanian Judiciary.
Controlling the access to documents and ensuring the confidentiality ( reading, editing, erasing), preserving the alterations made by every user , the access is ensured on the basis of the rights established for every user ;
Insuring against physical destruction of documents in case of disasters and other unforeseen situations.
Fast control of documents and maximum security based on the access rights that allow establishing and following deadlines for every document.
Reducing the costs related to the multiplication of documents due to the possibility of simultaneous access by all the users.
Reducing the expenses, in the future, by reducing the costs related to the producing and transmitting of documents in paper format (paper, toner, printers, fax, postal and personnel expenses).
Reducing the costs related to the stocking of documents in paper format (archive) by stoking them in the electronic archive.
Deadline: 2005 – 2008
Estimated costs:
3,2 M EUR financing World Bank loan 2008
7. Creating an unitary and performant electronic system of registering the court sessions , hearing of witnesses with withheld identity in court and distance hearing of imprisoned detainees (2005-2009)
7.1. Creating an unitary and performant system of registering court sessions and criminal hearings (2005-2009)
This stage involves:
defining the requirements;
establishing, by priority , the places where the system will be implemented (Courts of Appeal, Tribunals, District Courts, Prosecutors’ Offices);
establishing a legal basis which provides the legal framework and performance parameters of the system ;
training the clerks, judges, magistrates and personnel specialized in IT , for using the system ;
Foreseen results:
performing professional digital registering;
increasing the duration of the registering up to 66.000 hours;
performing of registers that cannot be modified or deleted, which makes the altering of files impossible;
removing the computers from courts and making them available for other users;
facilitating the transcription of hearings by using foot pedal assisted keyboards and, subsequently, by implementing the “ voice- text” conversion software;
the possibility of stoking the registrations for larger periods of time (10-20 years);
access by secured LAN to a specific registering from any point throughout the country;
the possibility of listening to the hearings again, on any channel or “per integrum”;
establishing the requirements: May 2005;
choosing the company that will implement the pilot locations: July 2005;
implementing the pilot locations and training the M.J. specialists.: December 2005;
implementing at national level : January 2006 – September 2009, according to existent funds;
Estimated costs:
4.000 EUR / court room
170.000 EUR PHARE 2004 financing „Fight against organized crime”
55.000 EUR PHARE 2004 co financing „Fight against organized crime”
2,5 M EUR – the financing source will be established
7.2. Creating a unitary and performant system of hearing in court of witnesses with withheld identity (2005-2009)
This stage involves:
defining the requirements;
establishing, by priority ,the places where the system will be implemented (Courts of Appeal, Tribunals, District Courts, Prosecutors’ Offices);
establishing a legal basis which provides the legal framework and performance parameters of the system ;
training the clerks, judges, magistrates and personnel specialized in IT , for using the system ;
Foreseen results:
simultaneous registering of “ clear” hearings as well as “ voice” hearings and hearings with altered images;
the possibility for the undercover witness to see the court room in order to visually recognize the accused;
facilitating the hearing transcription by using foot pedal assisted keypads and, subsequently, by implementing the “ voice- text” conversion software;
the possibility of stocking registrations for larger periods of time (10-20 years);
access by secured LAN to a specific registering from any point throughout the country;
the possibility of listening the hearings again, on any channel or “per integrum”;
the possibility of hearing the witness under protection in any court room or detention facility;
the impossibility to recognize the under protection witness by vocal or visual means;
establishing the requirements: July 2005;
choosing the company that will implement the pilot locations: August 2005;
implementing the pilot locations and training the M.J. specialists.: December 2005;
implementing at national level : January 2006 – December 2009, according to existent budget;
Estimated costs:
1.200 EUR / court room equipped according to the unitary and performant system of registering the court hearings and criminal hearings
24.000 EUR PHARE 2004 co financing „Fight against organized crimes”
600.000 EUR– the financing source will be established
7.3. Creating an electronic system of distance hearing of imprisoned detainees (2005-2009)
This stage involves:
performing the pilot
analysis of requirements and defining the system
training the users within connected systems ( Courts of Appeal, Tribunals, District Courts, Prosecutors’ Offices , penitentiaries);
organizing a tender in order to determine the company that will provide the hearing system and the duplex transmission system;
integrating the system thereof with other applications ( registering the hearing, electronic transcription of hearing);
Foreseen results:
simplifying the hearing procedures of imprisoned detainees ;
eliminating completely the costs involved in the transportation of detainees;
eliminating completely the costs involved in ensuring the necessary security during the transportation and hearing of the detainees ;
the possibility of performing a hearing by any court( Court of Appeal, Tribunal, Prosecutors’ Office ) from any penitentiary throughout the country through secured VAN;
analysis of necessities on a pilot location 2005-2006
establishing the requirements: June 2007
determining the company that will implement the pilot: July 2007;
implementing the pilot and training the M.J. specialists: July 2007;
determining the company that will perform the implementation at national level: August 2007;
implementing at national level :September 2007 – September 2009;
Estimated costs:
5.000 EUR for the pilot location, budget financing 2006
0,2 MEUR for development at national level, budget financing 2007
8. Creating info –stands at court level for the accurate informing of citizens (2006-2009)
This stage involves:
defining the requirements
organizing a tender in order to determine the company that will develop the IT system
analysis of requirements and defining the functional specifications
accepting the functional specifications
developing and implementing
developing the IT system at national level
training the users and the specialized IT personnel
Foreseen results:
increasing the transparency of the act of justice by providing public interest information to the citizens directly in courts
access to information at every hour and at every time
providing information directly to litigants, without the intervention of public officers
the Online information can be accessed repeatedly without any supplementary efforts or costs for the courts
reducing the administrative costs and the time needed by the public officers to interact with the litigants
Deadline: 2006 – 2009
Estimated costs:
1 M EUR PHARE 2006 financing project
9. Developing , extending/ redrafting the IT systems of the institute ions subordinated to the Ministry of Justice ( NPA and NTRB)
9.1. developing the EvDet IT system (2005-2008)
This stage involves:
defining the requirements
analysis of requirements and defining the functional specifications
organizing a tender in order to determine the company that will develop the IT system
developing the IT system
implementation and integration
developing the IT system throughout the penitentiary system
training the users and the specialized IT personnel
Foreseen results:
developing the EvDET IT system :
1. covering the necessary transformations of the application, as an effect of legislative changes
2. creating a modulus of organizing the work of detainees
3. extending and modifying the reports set of the application
establishing the requirements: March 2006
determining the company that will develop the EvDet : 2006
developing software: permanently, according to legislative change
implementing at national level: 2006
training the users: 2006
Estimated costs:
will be determined
9.2. Developing a IT management system of human resources (MHR) at penitentiary level, and extending the system at the level of the entire Judiciary (2006-2008)
This stage involves:
defining the supplementary requirements in comparison with the system developed at the Ministry of Justice level
organizing a tender in order to determine the company that will extend the IT system
analysis of requirements and defining the functional specifications
accepting the functional specifications
developing and pilot implementing
implementing the IT system in the penitentiaries at national level
Foreseen results:
creating the automatic MRU system:
1. decentralizing the IT activity regarding human resources at the level of penitentiaries
2. efficient and transparent monitoring of the careers of penitentiary employees
3. increasing the efficiency in the human resources management using methods of determining at any moment the personnel structure according to various criteria and drafting efficient strategies
4. procedures regarding the statistical analysis of data (OLAP technologies) in order to foresee the evolution of human resources, future necessities, etc.
5. training the users in using the portal
6. training the IT specialists in the management of such a portal
7. license procurement for the portal system in order to develop future applications at minimum costs
8. ensuring a low cost infrastructure for the electronic signature
building the center for technical support and maintenance meant to solve the potential technical problems in the field, monitoring the activity, distance configuring
installing and configuring the IT system of the entire penitentiary system
training the users of the ITl system and the IT specialists
establishing the requirements: December 2005
organizing a tender and determining the company that will develop the MRU: 2006
software development: 2006-2007
nationwide implementation: 2007-2008
training the users: 2008
Estimated costs:
1 MEUR – the source is to be determined
9.3. Re-projecting the IT system and the database of the National Trade Register Bureau using an updated database management (2005-2007)
This stage involves:
projecting and creating a database by NTC using SGBD and ORACLE instruments.
implementing the system in all Trade Register offices, at the national and the local level.
Foreseen results:
an increased efficiency in managing the IT system;
a rapid data transfer into the NTC central database;
opening the IT system towards the society informational environment at the national (Romanian) and international level, and integrating easily the future IT system in the national system;
an efficient information exchange with governmental institutions, agencies, control authorities;
giving new possibilities for traders to register in the Trade Register (electronic system);
increasing the number and the quality of services provided to clients and institutions regarding information provision.
Deadline: 2005 – 2008
Estimated costs:
0,6 MEUR own budget financing NTC
9.4. Developing the necessary application for editing the Journal of Judicial Reorganization and Bankruptcy procedures
This stage involves:
Editing the journal in order to print the notification and convocations of procedural acts performed by courts according to Article II of Law nr. 149/2004 amending the Law nr. 64/1995 on bankruptcy and judicial reorganization procedures.
Foreseen results:
Speeding up the judicial reorganization and bankruptcy procedures by eliminating the situations of failing to fulfill the notification, communication, summoning procedure;
Correlating and unitary applying the procedure by ensuring the cooperation between all institutions involved as a managing authority by MoJ;
Reducing the number of administrative tasks of the courts and the costs related to it;
reducing the public relation activity and the over flow of information requested from the archive;
unifying and standardizing the procedural acts, that will lead to speeding up the activity of courts of solving the cases;
ensuring the access of the people concerned to all information regarding the traders subject judicial procedure and bankruptcy procedures, in order to prevent possible damages caused by not being notified;
registering in NTC the mentions provided by courts through direct transfer of information from the bulletin in the NTC data base.
Deadline: 2005 – 2006
Estimated costs:
0,2 MEUR own budget NTC
10. Creating an unitary integrated judicial system by integrating all IT systems existing within the Ministry of Justice, Public Ministry, High Court of Cassation and Justice and their subordinated units in an integrated IT system with a portal type infrastructure (2006-2009). Simultaneous implementation into the portal, of some projects on human resources management, financial and material resources management, budgetary drafting and implementation management, project and program management, public relations management, knowledge management and training management.
10.1 Creating an unitary integrated judicial system by integrating all IT systems existing within the Ministry of Justice, Public Ministry, High Court of Cassation and Justice, Superior Council of Magistrates and their subordinated units in an integrated IT system with a portal type infrastructure (2006-2009)
This stage involves:
Analyzing IT systems and the existent applications along with defining the interoperability relations
Defining the network minimum compulsory requirements regarding security
Defining the portal minimum compulsory requirements (Integrated System) that will accomplish the integration
Organizing a tender in order to determine the company that will provide the portal system and the companies/corporation that will accomplish the other projects within and by using portal instruments
Analyzing requirements and defining functional specifications
Accepting functional specifications and recommended organizational changes
Integrating all It systems/ existing applications in the portal
Extending the human resources management pilot at the level of the entire judiciary
Developing the following projects: financial and material resources management, budgetary drafting and implementation management, project and program management, public relations management, knowledge management and training management
Training the users in specific areas
Training IT specialists
Foreseen results:
Connecting the National Trade Registration C enter’ applications and ECRIS and EvDET
Information exchange between IT systems (ei. Information about trade companies from the NTC, information about pending cases involving a trading company from ECRIS, criminal record also)
Increasing the transparency of the judicial act
Increasing the efficiency of the entire staff activity
Improving cooperation with the other governmental structures, with the NGO-s and with the citizens
Creating the premises for integrating the system into the national unitary system
Creating the premises for an efficient updating with low costs according to the E.U procedures
Ensuring a lower costs infrastructure using electronic signature
Creating the center for technical support and maintenance in order to solve different technical problems developed in the territory, to monitor the activity and to insure distance configuration
Training the IT users and the IT specialists.
Interconnecting all IT systems/existing applications within the judiciary: June 2008
Establishing other applications: June 2009
Implementing the entire system: December 2009
10.2 The management of financial and material resources, the drafting and execution management
This stage involves:
Defining the demands
Organizing a tender in order to determine the company in charge with developing the IT system
Analyzing the demands and defining the technical descriptions
Developing the IT system
Consenting with the technical descriptions
Developing and implementing
Extending the IT system nationwide and in all penitentiaries
Training the users and the IT specialists
Organizing a centralized technical support center
Foreseen results:
Increasing the efficiency of stocking and planning the financial-accounting resources
Automating the financial account resources
Optimizing and automating the planning of the financial-accounting resources in the case of credit chief accountants
Financial planning, budgetary forecasts
Managing the costs and services
Reports and comparative studies
Performance indicators regarding the maintenance activity and the analysis of costs
Performance indicators regarding the analysis of costs
Procuring the licenses for the portal system in order to develop future applications with minimum costs
Training the users in employing the portal
Training the IT specialists in managing this kind of portal
Defining the demands - 2006
Determining the company dealing with the project - 2006
Implementing the IT system -2006- 2007
Training the users and complete employment 2007-2008
Estimated costs:
11 MUSD World Bank financing 2006 project
3,2 MUSD World Bank financing 2007 project
3,2 MUSD World Bank financing 2008 project
10.3 Establishing a management IT system for human resources (MRU) within MoJ, the courts and SCM, easily adaptable to any component of the judiciary (2006-2008)
This stage includes:
defining the demands
organizing a tender in order to determine the company in charge with developing the IT system
analyzing and defining the technical descriptions
consenting with the technical descriptions
developing and implementing
extending the IT system nationwide by priority
training the users and the IT specialists
establishing a technical support center
Foreseen results:
establishing the MRU IT system:
1. establishing a data base in order to make the human resources activity of the courts efficient and transparent
2. establishing a data base in order to make the human resources activity within MOJ and SCM efficient and transparent
3. efficient and transparent tracking of the career of magistrates auxiliary personnel
4. increasing the efficiency of the human resources management by introducing the possibility of permanently determining the structure of the personnel through different kind o criteria and of drafting efficient strategies on counteracting the deficiencies
5. statistical analysis of data procedures (OLAP technology) in order to make forecasts regarding the evolution of human resources and the future demands, etc.
establishing the demands: 2006
organizing a tender and determining the company in charge with developing the MRU: 2006
developing the software: 2006-2007
nationwide implementation: 2007-2008
training the users: 2008
Estimated costs:
1, 4 MUSD World Bank financing proposal 2006
11. Interconnecting the IT system within the judiciary with other IT systems within the public service, nationwide and at the European level (2006-2009).
This stage involves:
analyzing the existent IT systems
defining the structures of exchanged information within the different existent systems within the public service
exchange of data between the IT system within the judiciary and other IT systems
Foreseen results:
interconnecting the IT system within the judiciary with other IT systems within the public service, nationwide and at the European level
interconnecting the IT system within the judiciary with other IT systems within the public service, nationwide and at the European level: December 2009
Estimated costs:
to be determined
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