The Power of Attorney in Romania
A power of attorney in Romania gives the authorization for a Lawyer to act as the agent of the Client. The power of attorney is described in a special mandate signed by the Client and Lawyer, that defines the general framework of the collaboration.
The Power of Attorney terminates at some point in the future either by its terms or by operation of law such as death of the Client or Lawyer. The power of attorney in Romania can be only limited to some specified actions and the Lawyer can represent the Client only at the specified Authorities and Institutions.
The Power of Attorney can include the following servicies:
civil state documents registration in Romania: birth certificate, death certificate, marriage certificate, divorce papers
court reporter servicies: informations regarding one specified Court case, in the situation the Client is directly involved
case reporter servicies: informations regarding a case: status, documents involved, procedure, Court decission. This situation is limited only for the cases the Client is part
official documents registration, other than civil documents
official authorithies inquiries including at: City Hall, Passport General Office, Ministry of Interns, Romanian Finnancial Authority, Ministry of Finnance, Labour Force Migration Office, Ministry of Labour, Social Solidarity and Family
A Power of Attorney can be revoked by the Client or by the Lawyer at any time, as long as the part is competent and the revoke condition is specified in the Contract.
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