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Ask a Romanian Lawyer | Romanian Law

The Executive and Legislative Power in Romania

The President of Romania The President of Romania shall represent the Romanian State and is the safeguard of the national independence, unity and territorial integrity of the country.

The President of Romania safeguards the observance of the Constitution and the proper functioning of the public authorities. To this effect, he shall act as a mediator between the Powers in the State, as well as the State and society.
(Article 80 - Constitution of Romania)

The President of Romania shall be elected by universal, equal, direct, secret and free suffrage. No one may hold the office of President of Romania for more than two terms that can also be consecutive.
(Article 81 - Constitution of Romania)

In the exercise of his power, the President of Romania shall issue decrees that shall be published in the Official Gazette of Romania. Absence of publicity entails the non-existence of the decree. The decrees issued by the President of Romania in the exercise of his powers regarding international treaties, accreditation or recalling of diplomatic envoys of Romania, approval of the setting up, closing down or change the rank of diplomatic missions, declaration of partial or total mobilization of the Armed Forces, institution, according to the law, of the state of siege or state of emergency, shall be countersigned by the Prime Minister. The President of Romania shall also have the following powers: to confer decorations and titles of honor, to make promotions to the rank of marshal, general and admiral, to grant individual pardon.
(Article 100 – Constitution of Romania)

The Romanian Government The Romanian Government undertakes and promotes democracy, capitalism and the European values for the purpose of Romania’s durable economic development, increasing the citizens’ welfare and regaining national dignity.

The fundamental options that the Romanian Government share and promote are the following:
1. Consolidation of the rule of law and of democracy in Romania
2. Redefining of the state role through restraining its intervention in economy and strengthening its functions as guarantor of legality
3. Strengthening the individual liberties, increase of citizen and family security
4. Guaranteeing and development of private property, integral restitution of properties abusively confiscated by the Communist regime, equal treatment of property
5. Instauration of functional market economy
6. Stimulation of the enterprising spirit
7. Social and economic cohesion, reduction of poverty and social exclusion
8. Equality of chances
9. Respect of the minorities’ rights
10. Romania’s full integration within Euro- Atlantic economic and security structures

Romanian Legislative Bodies The Parliament of Romania has a bicameral structure, and is formed of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate are elected in constituencies, by universal, equal, direct, secret, and freely expressed suffrage. The two Chambers have different numbers of members: the Chamber of Deputies is composed of 332 deputies, and the Senate, of 137 senators.

The functions of the Parliament of Romania proceed from its quality of supreme representative body of the Romanian people and from that of single legislative authority of the country. The main functions of the Parliament of Romania are: to pass laws, to appoint and revoke some state authorities, and to exercise the parliamentary control.

Useful links and Resources
  • The President of Romania
  • The Romanian Government
  • Parliament of Romania

  • Romanian Law

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